We all tend to gravitate towards those individuals who share similar likes and interests as ourselves. It's simple human nature; unknowingly we find ourselves falling into these various groups of similar thinkers.
The word "Clique" itself can easily be defined as exactly what it is, an exclusive circle, but the true definition is much deeper than that, the true definition comes from what we collectively build together.
Clique Vodka is meant for those who want to live outside of the norm. Those who live their lives going against the grain to achieve what others can only dream of. The artist, the socialite, the entrepreneur.... The ones who live their lives passionate about what they do, achieving success by doing what they love. Those who think big enough to change the world and those who actually go out and do it.
That is what Clique Vodka is and that is exactly what defines Clique Vodka.
Crafting vodka is an intricate art form that has been refined and perfected dating all the way back to the 8th century. Creating an award winning vodka does not come by accident nor luck. The road less traveled is traveled less as it presents unforeseen difficulties including very restrictive barriers of entry. United States domestic vodka crafting presents a much easier route than that of what has been less traveled, but, what lies at the end of that less traveled road makes it worth the journey. That is what lead us to the little known land of Latvia.
You wouldn't travel to Colorado to acquire a premium-grade tequila and the same goes for many other spirits. Certain regions of the world present the ideal conditions needed for crafting
the best product. Latvia sits in the heart of what is known as the Vodka Belt. The Vodka Belt is a group of countries that have very rich independent cultures dedicated to the traditional methods of distilling. Also included within are the Nordic states of Finland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Greenland, the Baltic states of Estonia and Lithuania, as well as Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and of course, the vodka motherland of Russia. The Latvian landscape provides the rich forestry and fertile land necessary for producing the vital ingredients needed to create this internationally renowned and award winning spirit. The facade means nothing if not matched with a superior product.
Coupled with the Russian standards of production perfected in Latvia over the course of 200+ years, matching the quality of this one-of-a-kind vodka is almost inconceivable. After tasting this triple column distilled vodka, it is difficult not to fall in love with the body, texture, and astounding smoothness of this exceptional combination.
The misconception when tasting vodka is that it should be flavorless. First, take a tiny sip and let it roll around your mouth. Take note of the creamy texture, and exhale through your nose to enhance the crisp mineral qualities. Swallow, take the rest of the shot straight down, and experience the smooth after taste that defines Clique Vodka like no other.
Contrary to what some may consider popular belief, not all vodkas are created equal. Vodka is Vodka has become a common phrase uttered by those with a less experienced palate, the ones who desire only what the media tells them to imbibe. We are living in the age of information, where ignorance is no longer bliss, the changing of times where the enlightened will prevail.