National Blueberry What?
July 12, 2013 -- Published by Tara ShinnWell, we all know it’s National Blueberry Month (What! You didn’t?). No worries, you still have time to celebrate! After all, blueberries are super high in antioxidants, which makes them nutritious as well as delicious, and super easy to consume! Those diversive little buggers can be eaten raw, thrown on cereal (hot or cold!), and even planted in baked goods….like blueberry muffins. In fact- as I found out earlier- there is even a National Blueberry Muffin Day! – I hate to be the one to break it to you, because I was torn when I found out, but it was actually yesterday. In honor of finding out about National Blueberry Muffin Day I have decided to share with you my undoubtedly (belated) winner of my recent blueberry cocktail experiments and present you with the best part:
In a cocktail tin with ice, add 1 1/2 oz of Clique Vodka and 1/4 oz blueberry juice. Shake a few times times to bring down the acidity a bit, then add the creamy ingredients: 1/4 oz Irish cream and 1 oz strawberry flavored kefir. For those of you that are not familiar with Kafir drinks, they are a creamy yogurt like consistency- creamy, tangy and slightly sweet from natural fruit flavors at the same time. They are sold in the dairy isle of any grocery store (next to the yogurt section). They are made from milk, full of vitamins, minerals, and natural bacteria- so make sure you shake it well in the original container before pouring. If you don’t dilute the blueberry juice by shaking it well over ice first, it may be high enough in acidity (depending on the natural process) to eventually curdle the milk from the Irish cream- so shake it like you mean it before adding the creamy ingredients!
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and celebrate National Blueberry Month before it’s over!