Going to the beach? Make sure you bring this delicious cocktail recipe!
May 17, 2013 -- Published by Tara ShinnIt feels like summer has finally arrived, and for me that means spending far less time indoors mixing cocktails, and more time having fun in the sun. A great way to cut down on serving time is to prepare multiple drinks ahead of time, so you can just pour over ice to serve, and this particular recipe is perfect for patio parties, cookouts, and especially beach vacations. It takes just few minutes of prep time, and uses one of my all time favorite fruits, the star fruit. Star fruit is light and citrusy, but not nearly as acidic as a lemon, and goes quite nicely with summertime cocktails. Pick up a few from the grocery store and get to relaxing in the sun with a:
Slice 2 star fruit and 1 whole orange into thin slices and add to a large glass pitcher with 1 bottle of Clique Vodka. Put it in the refrigerator and let sit for 24 hours before adding 8 cups of cranberry juice, and 2 cups of simple syrup (1 part sugar dissolved in 1 part hot water). Stir well, and pour over ice to serve. Garnish with one of the star fruit slices.
For more amazing summertime recipes and infusions, be sure to check out Clique Vodka’s Mixbook!